Physical Security

Physical measures are the procedures taken to ensure security to your systems from physical threats, e.g. natural disasters, thieves and hackers, this can be broken down into three main area that can prevent breaches and to stay on top of physical security, this includes:

´You can take physical measures by setting up surveillance cameras, keeping server rooms locked and monitored and by having alarms set at maximum security so as soon as there was a threat e.g. A hacker pulls out a server cable or uploads a virus via USB then the college will know and be able to take action straight away keeping damage to a minimum.
Access Control:
´By providing user and password log ins for each individual of the organisation, this will keep access control between user(s) (the students and the tutors) to prevent them from accessing data and information through the network which they wouldn’t have permission for and also being able to monitor every user individually if there was to be a breach internally, also if there was somebody who wasn’t a student they wouldn’t be able to log onto a computer and access anything (as well as printers as in todays modern technology you can view previously printed items and other features on a printer GUI screen, you can still have access control linked to printers to prevent hackers from seeing your printed documents).
´By also setting up restricted access zones (locks, scanners on doors and possibly floors) this would prevent anybody who isn’t of access to pass through verification, this is usually where the servers would be located as well as other valuable equipment or data. This will provide highest security and protect the valuables from everyone who doesn’t have the required access to pass the scanners.
´If you’re cautious about students using the computer systems and internally uploading malware, then you can invest in USB port locks to protect the computer systems from hackers who try inserting portable USB devices, as well as cable locks to securely lock up any computers or valuables if it is vulnerable to having information and data leaked or being stolen – it happens!
´Another priority physical security measure to take is testing your current security measures and finding ways to improve them, if the college has old security cameras and has the budgeting required to invest in newer cameras (with the growth of technology cameras performance over the last 10 years, having up to date security cameras could make a huge difference in seeing the person responsible of the security breach of not.
Surveillance: CCTV
Buying and setting up monitored CCTV is a must for Stoneworth college to run safely in general. But by doing this you are applying the appropriate physical measures to securing your computer servers and valuables, as-well as all other computer system units that are throughout the classrooms.
Surveillance: Alarms
Investing in top security alarm systems would be a great investment for Stoneworth college for that extra protection. As there is several classrooms which have expensive valuable system units it’s better to take precaution and set up a security system to keep the valuables and the college safe from thieves. (improved sensor and fire alarms that could detect natural disasters faster can critically affect the chances of equipment being damaged and people getting hurt).
Access Control: Cable Locks
Cable locks are good investment for colleges and big organisations. As time and technology is expanding the products are only becoming more cost effective for what they offer. Most college’s tutors today usually use MacBook's or equivalent for presenting any visual work to the students. By keeping the systems cable locked up always it will never be able to move from it’s locked position unless the tutor or of higher access preventing thieves or students from ever stealing equipment.
Access Control: Door Locks & Scanners
It’s good to know that your server rooms and system units are always watched upon in case a thief ever takes advantage. However the situation can always be avoided if each classroom in the college had a lock protecting everything inside in the first place. With the advance of technology software over the past decade, biometrics have came greatly into place, allowing only those of access to pass verification and gain access to enter the required room.
Access Control: Port Locks
Port locks allow the protection to the systems inside the classroom. Some college’s take preventions of internal malware being uploaded by a student and don’t want anybody to ever plug in a USB into their systems unit(s). So they invest in port locks to automatically prevent anybody from uploading viruses or malware via USB to the system units.
Access Control: Fingerprint Scanners
Keys and biometric scanners can still be easily stolen and used to gain access to a specific room. If the college was to ever encounter such a thief who’s trying to break into a room that holds extremely valuable items or data information like a server room then a fingerprint scanner would be the next best investment. Preventing anybody but ONLY those of access can enter the room giving complete security the Stoneworth college most valuable rooms.
Testing: Security Measures already in place
Once you have applied all your physical security measures. You want to make sure that they providing security at the best potential. By testing your procedures and looking for improvements. You will be able to come across new ideas on increasing your security across the college. Examples could range from adding extra surveillance cameras per classroom and around the building to investing in newer technology access control so that there is never anybody where they shouldn’t be (applies to tutors and visitors as well as students) and if they are then security is notified straightaway keeping all chances of security threats and access breaches as low as possible.

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